a Virtual Reality Animation Studio

B's Sneeze [360 VR 8K 60fps]
The Dark Alley Diner
I'm Part Mummy, Too
When Arturo Met Val
ZB! The Hand of Flopsville Animated Series
Introducing The Hand of Flopsville
Digitize Us!
Happy Holidays! 2022
Who Does The Avocado Really Sound Like?
Riding The Subway
A Corazon Anniversary

“Watch the adventures of our friends

the Bacon Wrapped Avocado, The Hand and the Corazons”

Meet The Cast

Who's Who?

Arturo Corazon

Reanimated Heart

Arturo Corazon used to be a research scientist working in the highly competitive field of organism reanimation. He partially succeeded. Now he and his wife, Val, are taking bit parts in movies and helping their friends.

Val Corazon

Reanimated Heart

In her former existence Val was a medical doctor who worked with her husband, Arturo, researching reanimation as a way to extend people’s lives. She also used to enjoy gardening. Now she helps keep all the reanimated friends as healthy as possible, in between movie roles, of course.


Reanimated Bacon Wrapped Avocado

Also known as ”The Avocado” or “Bacon Wrapped Avocado” When the mummy who runs the diner couldn't convince his wife to let him create a mummy child, he used his magic to create Bwahaha instead. Since he's only been around for a week, Bwahaha is a little naive, but surprisingly wise.

The Hand

Reanimated Burnt, Severed Hand

The Hand's background is unknown to the Corazons, but he's friendly and can actually pick things up, which is...um...handy. He's also terrified of flames, for obvious reasons. He also plays Tom, a fictional burnt reanimated hand, in the series The Hand of Flopsville.


Marvin Playwell

Flopsville Actor

Marvin is pretty sure half his co-workers are animatronic, but everyone else talks to them like they're alive, so he'll play along. He's currently starring as Pete in The Hand of Flopsville.

Mara Doowell

Flopsville Actor

Mara is excited to star alongside her favorite actor, Marvin, in The Hand of Flopsville. She's even playing Zoe, the female lead! Mara may not be as brilliant as the character she plays, but she gets along with The Hand just as well.


Zombie Bigger Better Brain Drone

The Zombies made this intelligent drone camera to help the directors get some professional-looking shots. The cast and crew are terrified by his reckless flying, but we love his enthusiasm!


Reanimated Egyptian Chef Extraordinaire

Cook, dad, entrepreneur, Mum does everything well...except speak. Once you get used to his groans and moans, you'll find that the mummy who owns the Dark Alley Diner and who created Bwahaha is a really great guy. Just don't look too closely at the food he brings you.


Director Jose

Animated Director

Blending reality and fiction, Jose finally got his wish to be a cartoon. Now he can direct the movies made in Flopsville from within Flopsville. Talk about a dream come true!

Director Laurel

Animated Director

Laurel's still not sure how it happened, but she enjoys directing movies from inside Flopsville. So many interesting people to meet and never a bad hair day.

BWA News

What's really going on in our virtual world
  • August 2024

    Sorry about the radio silence!

    We’ve had a lot of good/bad/complicated stuff going on and I keep forgetting to make time to talk about it.

    Fun things: We have a couple of new videos up in the Corazon Shorts. We figured out how to make 360 3D animated videos for YouTube using a plug-in we like for Unreal Engine called Off World Live. Also, YouTube now accepts 360 3D videos in 8K, which makes a HUGE difference in how they look. You should check them out!

    Meescha has been creating some great assets (check out the posters in the Dark Alley Diner) and Giovanni figured out how to record a user entering information in the menus, so our demonstration video is getting more robust.

    We’re getting better at all of it as we keep going!

    Jose uses Rokoko for motion capture and I use Perception Neuron. Our last few sessions have gone well. Our whole pipeline is getting better. It still takes about three weeks to create a one minute video (from concept to publishing on YouTube), but we do have almost a dozen characters in them. It makes the stories more interesting to watch in 360 3D.

    I’ll do my best to get back to monthly updates. Until, next time!

  • February 2024

    Sneaking the February update in under the deadline! 🙂

    It’s been a busy month for Bacon Wrapped Avocado®! We’ve posted a few new videos (see them here), gotten more regular on social media and…
    moved into a final debugging stage for our demo! (Insert trumpet calls here.)

    Pretty soon we’ll be looking for some testers, so if you have a Quest 2 or 3 headset and would like to be a part of that, fill out the Contact form and let us know.

    In March we’ll also start creating new content for the app, so that it will have more than a demo level. Can’t wait to record some stories for Zoe’s House and the Dark Alley Diner!

    Of course, the store is still up and running and we created a Corazons t-shirt in honor of Valentine’s Day. If you want to see what’s available, check out the store here. If you have any suggestions for merch you’d really like to see, different designs or different items, you can let us know in the Contact form.

    Alright, I think that’s it for now. Enjoy Spring–it’s always interesting (72 degrees Fahrenheit yesterday, dropping into the 30’s this afternoon).

  • January 2024

    Guess what?
    We have a store! Check out shop.baconwrappedavocado.com for fun t-shirts, glasses, and throw pillows.

    Also, we’re kinda famous!
    We were interviewed by David Guard for his podcast Technology and Friends. Stay until the end to see a surprise appearance by a pair of our characters.

    As for our demo, the lobby is shaping up nicely. There are animations with Bwahaha and Mum giving instructions. Some happen automatically. Some trigger when you pick menu items. Also the in-movie menu is working better. Giovanni fixed the volume buttons and added a function to let you see a list of everyone in your room. Laurel set up the auto-pilot positions…then the team realized auto-pilot isn’t the best way to consume a movie where 10 different characters have storylines, so we have some new ideas for that. Jose is continuing to debug the multiplayer server and Meescha is creating the setting for our characters’ second adventure. (She needs to get started early, because there’s a lot to make before we can start animating in a new place.)

    There’s a lot going on! Here’s hoping our northern team members don’t freeze before we’re ready to release.🥶

    Stay warm! (or cool if you’re in the south!)


Meet The Team

Making Stories About Lovable Monsters and Misfits

Jose Mojica

Founder, Director, Creative Lead

Jose has an offbeat creativity that blends his love of horror and comedy. He's been telling stories in various forms for decades. He is also a technophile. Once he thought of making VR movies an interactive, shared experience, he couldn't wait to figure out how to make it happen. You may recognize versions of his voice in Arturo and Bwa-ha-ha.

Laurel Mojica

Founder, Producer, CEO

Laurel focuses on the practical side of Flopsville, though she is also the voice of Val. Also a technophile, Laurel has fallen in love with watching reanimated body parts on her VR headset...also with playing VR mini-golf.


Meescha Dare

Artist, Production Designer

Meescha has been working with the team since 2015 when The Hand thought he'd be the star of a web series. Back then, she helped create his comic book. Now she's creating a whole world for him and his friends.

Giovanni Minus

Application Designer

Giovanni is no longer the newest member of the team, thanks to Carole. His knowledge of Game Design is exactly what we need to make our VR movies both interactive and multi-viewer. He also brings experience in organizing and communicating all the complex details our geographically diverse team needs to share.

Carole Hubler

Social Media Marketer

Carole is helping us develop an actual plan for our social media posts. Depending on how well we listen to her and get her the content she needs, we may actually start improving our social media presence. You never know! It could happen!

Behind The Scenes

Get to know the Mojicas

Click here for:

The Flippity Flops channel on iFilmFlops

Here we talk about our motion capture process:  our studio setup(s), the gear we’ve used, tips and tricks that have helped.

Most of these videos are filmed in 3D 180 VR, so you can move the phone to see more of the picture (or swipe with your finger to move the scene).

If you’ve got a VR headset with a YouTube app, it’s even more fun to watch through that—like visiting our studio in person!

A few of the videos are 2D, normal, flat, whatever you want to call them.

Contact Us

If you have questions or comments about our VR Animation Studio, our shorts or our characters,

please fill out the form below:

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Please, write your name. Please, insert your email address. Please, leave a message. Umh, are you good with math?