I have no idea WHAT happened to February. We were very cold and very busy.
Our latest video is up: Elle’s First Day
That one took a lot longer than we’d originally hoped, but there were good reasons for it. First of all, we started working on it in December, so Christmas. Then we ran into some issues that we solved by researching a new workflow and a new way of editing character movements. Then we decided that for the YouTube Shorts we wanted higher resolution images, so we migrated the project from a VR template to a game template in Unreal Engine…and also updated it for the most recent engine. So, yeah, it took 10 weeks to complete, but I think the time was well-spent. Not only does this one look better than it did, but the next one(s) should come together faster and also look better.
Actually the next ones will look better for a few reasons. Not only will they be in the higher resolution, but Meescha is tweaking all the textures.
Jose has been doing some work on our servers. That will fix the problems we’ve had with reliability. (Apologies if you ever tried to show our site to a friend and had issues connecting!) It will also make it MUCH easier for me to post updates.
Don’t worry! We haven’t given up on VR! Giovanni is working on the app, so that it will hit the benchmarks required for a beta release.
In the meantime, we’re looking at making more shorts and/or making another episode for our app. Check back here to find out which we choose next!
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