• January 2024

    Guess what?
    We have a store! Check out shop.baconwrappedavocado.com for fun t-shirts, glasses, and throw pillows.

    Also, we’re kinda famous!
    We were interviewed by David Guard for his podcast Technology and Friends. Stay until the end to see a surprise appearance by a pair of our characters.

    As for our demo, the lobby is shaping up nicely. There are animations with Bwahaha and Mum giving instructions. Some happen automatically. Some trigger when you pick menu items. Also the in-movie menu is working better. Giovanni fixed the volume buttons and added a function to let you see a list of everyone in your room. Laurel set up the auto-pilot positions…then the team realized auto-pilot isn’t the best way to consume a movie where 10 different characters have storylines, so we have some new ideas for that. Jose is continuing to debug the multiplayer server and Meescha is creating the setting for our characters’ second adventure. (She needs to get started early, because there’s a lot to make before we can start animating in a new place.)

    There’s a lot going on! Here’s hoping our northern team members don’t freeze before we’re ready to release.🥶

    Stay warm! (or cool if you’re in the south!)


  • December 2023

    Happy holidays or winter break or whatever you might have the chance to celebrate or enjoy this season!

    Santa’s got his list this time of year. At Bacon Wrapped Avocado, we’ve got a few of our own. We’re checking them all twice (or thrice or whatever 4x would be). We’re knocking out bugs, cleaning up environments, smoothing transitions and movements, and beginning some of the prep work for our NEXT episode.

    We’re also setting up our merchandise store. Keep an eye out for shop.baconwrappedavocado.com to go live sometime this month. We’re starting out with a handful of products, but will be adding to them as we find things we like, so if there’s something you’d really like to see, let us know!

    We’ll also be launching a short monthly email newsletter in January. If you want to be included, let us know that, too.

    Lots going on. Lots to celebrate. Lots to look forward to next year. Grateful for all those who love us and encourage us! May you be surrounded by the same!

  • November 2023

    We’ve had a lot of fun…and a lot of frustration. Sounds like every creative endeavor, doesn’t it? Every time we think we can move something into the DONE pile, it seems to develop never-seen-before bugs. Yet–we ARE making progress (even if some of it is just getting back to where we thought we were the week before). We had a team meeting in an updated version of our app, with two new levels added, including our lobby level. We have more menus, more polished animations, new characters and a more robust backend.

    We also have more samples of MERCH. We’ve been testing out designs for t-shirts (short- and long-sleeved), sweatshirts and glasses. We have several that we love and they’ll be showing up here SOON.

    Can’t wait to show you everything!